Monday, 15 December 2014

More than product this time - PANTONE HOTEL

"Impeccably designed by Michel Penneman and Olivier Hannaert, The PANTONE HOTELTM, Brussels showcases the color of emotion with a distinctive hue on each colorous guest floor. From vivid to subdued, for business or leisure, their unique boutique design hotel perfectly suits your savvy palette and colorful imagination.
From a design perspective, The PANTONE HOTELTM, Brussels is built on an exceptional use of contrast; a white canvas provides clean space for saturated colors to pop."

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

the movie of Le Petit Prince is coming

The Little Prince (French: Le Petit Prince), is an upcoming French 3D computer animated fantasy film based on the 1943 novel The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The film is directed by Mark Osborne and the script is written by Irena Brignull. Leonardo DiCaprio is the executive producer of the film. The film stars Marion Cotillard, James Franco, Rachel McAdams and Jeff Bridges. The film will be released in France on 7 October 2015.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Kyle Hilton – Art History Paper Dolls

Kyle Hilton – Art History Paper Dolls

Illustrator Kyle Hilton has created a number of paper dolls that pay homage to the art history greats. The amazing and clever series is appropriately titled “Art History Paper Dolls” and like all paper dolls these feature hilarious and awesome accessories to add to your character.

all from:

Friday, 21 November 2014

Moleskine -culture, travel, imagination & personal identity

This is my first Moleskin @2008

Still remember I saw that shop added a display board about the "legend" of Moleskin notebook after I had bought it: "The Moleskine notebook is, in fact, the heir and successor to the legendary notebook used by artists and thinkers over the past two centuries: among them Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway, and Bruce Chatwin. A simple black rectangle with rounded corners, an elastic page-holder, and an internal expandable pocket: a nameless object with a spare perfection all its own, produced for over a century by a small French bookbinder that supplied the stationery shops of Paris, where the artistic and literary avant-gardes of the world browsed and bought them. A trusted and handy travel companion, the notebook held invaluable sketches, notes, stories, and ideas that would one day become famous paintings or the pages of beloved books." <- Bling Bling~ See! As a sketching lover, how can you escape??

 And now, Moleskin is bringing this classic romance to modern era.
Moleskin + Creative Clould: Create without Confinement
(Video from
 The concept is: we just have to draw in the smart pad and capture their creations with a mobile companion app that transforms them into the correct format.

(Photos from

Everyone who love drawing must insist to draw on the paper directly. It's not only a matter of the difference between original sketch and soft copy, it's something between pencil and paper, nothing else. This app is giving an add on to all sketching lovers as it can make your sketch to be an editable soft copy. It sounds so good, especially for designers, but at the same time, I just wanna say: technology! Please let me go! We must chase, we have to chase, just because you go too fast.


Saturday, 15 November 2014

Drink in Pantone

Again, collecting bottles more then drinking what's inside~


Saturday, 9 August 2014


「小說家愛德華·摩拉( Edward "Eddie" Morra,畢列·谷巴飾)江郎才盡,不事生產的他,已然坐喫山空,面臨出版社的壓力,女友琳迪(Lindy,艾碧·康妮絲飾)也離他而去。愛德華與女友分手後,巧遇前妻的兄弟維儂·甘特(Vernon Gant,尊尼·衛禾夫飾),並拿到一款能「變聰明」的藥物:「NZT」。為了挽救岌岌可危的事業,愛德華開始服藥,NZT能增進智力,將大腦運作效率增至極限,其神奇效力令愛德華記憶能力超強、對事物過目不忘,一夜之間完成一本小說,寫好一篇論文,學成多國語言;愛德華變成能言善辯、才華橫溢的萬人迷。NZT促使他的潛能爆發,所以他走向股市,一夜致富,成為華爾街名人。忽然名利雙收的愛德華,吸引了金融大亨卡爾·萬隆(Carl Van Loon,羅拔·迪尼路飾)的注意,招攬愛德華合作。此時,愛德華身體已經不堪負荷,前妻梅麗莎·甘特(Melissa Gant,安妮·菲爾飾)基於善意,告知愛德華NZT可怕的副作用類似於毒品,秘密逐漸曝光,同時昏昏沈沈的愛德華亦捲入了謀殺案,警方緊追在後,卡爾也一直覬覦神奇藥物,江湖兄弟亦虎視眈眈;愛德華已墮入無可挽回的絕谷……」(劇情轉自維基百科)

Scene 1

Scene 2
當人十分專注地急速幹一堆事的時候,實在不難出現這種情況。有時會想,表面上人好像都在踏實地為現實生活去苦幹,但有時真的專注和急速到這個地步會看不見任何擦肩的事物,彷彿是抽離了的一個單位的狀態,感覺反而變成了十分的不實在,這電影於這狀態的呈現上做得很不錯,除了用個體分離的個人對白外,還出現了很多幕symmetrical composition的拍攝手法將觀眾導向到一道長長的時光隧道上跟主角在這一片五光十色的絢爛中一起奔馳,一起墮落,然後又一起地清醒過來,更不可少的是那種有點迷幻感的配樂,營造了一種靜靜的超脫感。更想深一個層次,人的肉身過著現實的生活,但在那精神領域中,思想和情緒又會一併地不斷運行變動,肉身做了些什麼,又會牽動了我們的那一條神經線,當然如果我們都將之一一思考是一件很瘋狂的事,但我想說的是,究竟為什麼當我們入了迷地高速幹事情會有這種難以解釋的不實在感呢?可能,每個人做任何事情,都需要有他既定的一個時間才可,否則那超越限制的速度就會令人負苛不了,只有適當的速度節拍,才可供給常人足夠的時間去調節肉身上的機能,也供給精神層面足夠時間去消化事情,我想,這就是極限吧,你又會怎去看極限這東西呢?

Scene 3

Thursday, 7 August 2014

I love McDonalds milkshakes :(

The color of McDonalds' strawberry milkshakes has been changed from Pantone 1895C to 1765C, anyone can tell it's the syrup's problem? or some new chemical ingredient have been added? I do hope this is an accidental problem...

p.s. this is a photo has been PS because I can't buy the 1895C milkshake again :(

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Monday, 21 July 2014

Sunny Sunday - Peng Chau



Friday, 18 July 2014






Wednesday, 16 July 2014

An interesting art piece in a wall of street from Slovenia

by Domingo Pino

It is really an very interesting idea, but since the graffiti by Space Invaders has been cleaned up matter before, I’m thinking how long does this kind of art can be kept if it was located in Hong Kong public area.

Monday, 14 July 2014

Comparison 5

When I see Richard Clarkson's light design, I think about the series of art piece I've seen before which was created by a Dutch visual artist - Berndnaut Smilde. Actually I haven't done any study on those art pieces, but I quite like it because there seems got some calm and peace in the room, and you can say it is quite weird, not in logic. And the interesting thing is that the medium is an untouchable smoke which I've never seen before.


Saturday, 5 July 2014

Daily Rituals: How Artists Work

Beethoven: sleep at 10p.m. till 6a.m.
Darwin: sleep at 12p.m. till 9a.m.
Balzac: sleep at 6p.m. till 1am

me: sleep at 12:30pm till 6:20am :)

Friday, 4 July 2014



Saturday, 28 June 2014

Comparison 4

This art piece by Danny Lee makes me think of the Cloud Gate in Millennium Park by Anish Kapoor.

Cloud Gate 2004